Our Alien Ancestry: Kariong Calling Update - Chapter 35
Sun, Mar 03
|Online Event

Time & Location
Mar 03, 2024, 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM GMT+11
Online Event
About the event
The site at Kariong is under threat and has already been damaged, and the chances are it will all get much worse. To top this off most of the 3,000 submissions contesting this proposal were supposedly lost after being sent. Original spokespeople have claimed the hieroglyphs is merely “graffiti” which they have stated will be destroyed, and to top off the desecration they also insist the Guardian Grandmother Tree is bogus and was invented as a “tourist” attraction. They allege the site attracts undesirable cults and all manner of New Age devotees.
That is one side of the story, which is eagerly accepted without any question or discretion by those who make decisions. But in this rather extensive presentation we hear from a variety of spokespeople who believe the site is incredibly sacred and completely genuine. We recently went down to Kariong and interviewed Jake Cassar, Lisa Bellamy, Aunty Colleen Fuller, Nina Angelo and Vicki Burke and together they present a comprehensive and convincing alternative take on proceedings. Each has their particular focus on this location. Jake and Lisa are most concerned about the accepted critical environmental status under threat, Aunty Colleen, Nina and ourselves are committed to all that Aunty Beve knew about this site who explained in great detail how this site was an essential element in the culture and history of the hieroglyphs and the many sites very close by. Vicki has been battling the authorities and trying to establish what their plans and next moves are. In combination this video presents a compelling case for the preservation and protection of what we believe to be one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.
That the content of both sides of this conflict is diametrically opposed and that impasse reveals so much. Those opposed to the development rely on Aunty Beve, Colleen and Howie for guidance and affirmation, while those proposing subdivision and clear-felling exclusively cite Government agencies disputing its authenticity, yet have no supporting statements by Original Culture-keepers. From our perspective if this subdivision is approved we know for a fact it will be the first of many sites that were originally zoned sacred sites which will be reclassified and open to be sold and levelled. Join us in this presentation and see and hear what this site really is and what is planned for here and so many other sites that are ready to be submitted for rezoning in the near future.